Today’s Big Thought :: Growing your small business


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Understand that no matter just how good you are, you will always lose some customers through attrition for example, they move away from the area. With that in mind you must have a system in place for adding new customers otherwise your business will fail to grow and eventually you will be out of business.

The best way to do that is create an ongoing stream of interested prospects that you can convert into new customers. It doesn’t matter how small or even how big a business is, you have to have customers in order for you business to stay alive. A successful company is good at both selling and getting new customers.

So how do they do it? Through a solid marketing campaign. Not only will your business grow, your business will be around for years to come.

You may be asking yourself “how do that?” You are also probably think that you only have so many hours in the day, and and money is tight. Exactly, my point. Money is tight because you aren’t adding new customers which in turn adds sales and increases the businesses bottom line.

That is why businesses invest in a marketing consultant, add them to your team and that allows you to focus on side of business that you understand.

Just because you started a business it doesn’t mean that you are an expert in all areas of business nor is it expected.  Look for a consultant who understands how to market a business and have them help you.

Yes, Even A Business Leader Needs a Consultant From Time-To-Time


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Why would a business leader use a Business Consultant? One simple reason, every professional needs someone from the outside looking in. From time-to-time a business owner needs reassurance and confirmation they are running their company efficiently and effectively. This is extremely important during times of indecision.

When a leader comes to a crossroads in the decision making process, the viewpoints of someone on the outside can inspire new ideas and alternate paths. Being a leader and/or business owner doesn’t exempt your business from having problems related to changes in the economy. Sometimes the good times can be bad for some businesses unable to make changes to keep up with unexpected growth.

There are cases when a leader needs to hear the business is on the right path. As they say, it’s lonely at the top. Business Consultants are “Big Thinkers”. They bring along with them years of experience. In addition, they bring new found experience gained along the way by working with business leaders from all types of industry.

Big Thinking Entrepreneurs Surround Themselves With The Right Team



Entrepreneurs are their own “big thinkers” and undoubtedly very good at what they do, but they also tend to be the first to admit that they need to be surrounded by a great team in order to fill in the gaps of knowledge and experience. Big Thinkers is your right team!  We are a team of successful business leaders maintaining solid, effective and collaborative relationships providing outstanding and affordable solutions for your business or organization.  #motivationalmonday #bigthinkers

Connections…the ride carries on


atimetowriteSome of you may remember and were involved in an event I worked on a few years back, Ride For Their Lives. Friends and family from across the county helped in so many different ways. I thought I would share two stories that relate back to the ride.

Not long before that ride a childhood friend and her family were killed in a horrific car crash. At our first stop, Buffalo, two other childhood friends,Amy Wiedenbeck Nash & Lisa Sweet, helped to organize the event. When the event was over there was a wreath and stand that were donated that we gave to Amy to take to the grave site. Amy just saw that the family still uses the stand and changes the flowers seasonally.

Some of you may have noticed yesterday’s picture I posted with my journal. If you look in the background there is a cup of coffee on a coaster. That isn’t just any coaster, it was a gift from a St. Louis U.S. Marshal, John Perryman, the lovely, Janis McCall, connect us with. John was so helpful to the ride and so passionate about helping children. Sadly and tragically he was killed in the line of duty just a few months later. Every time I sit down at my desk, I think of John.

…connections that carry on.




When selling sponsorships the lack of lead time will show. You need to give your sponsor enough time to make their own plan to leverage the opportunity.

So, how does that translate into time? That all depends on if it is a first time event; how much money you need to raise and do you already have the needed relationships established?

If it is a first time event and you are relying on the sponsorship monies to generate revenue in order to be profitable you had best begin yesterday. Seriously, the sooner the better. There is a lot of competition out there and it’s your job to sell the sponsor on why your event is the one for them.

By following my blog I will share with you what I have learned about sponsorship sales, creating a sponsorship package, event planning and much more.

EVENT PLANNING | Looks so easy



On the contrary it’s not, but that is BIGGEST complement that can be paid to an Event Planner when outsiders think your work looks easy.

In most cases an Event Planner breaks the event into segments and puts together a team of specialist to work on a specific piece of an event.  The delegation of work sets the foundation for the event. The flow of communication is what helps to prevent oversights.  Once that is in place, the Event Planner takes the lead while continually monitoring every bit of the event plan to be certain that nothing falls through the cracks.  It takes a Big Thinker to be a successful Event Planner.  Someone with good leadership, communication and juggling skills. 

So while an Event Planner may make it look easy, the truth is it’s not, but thanks for the complement that is exactly what we are hoping to hear.